
Ubuntu on a Ramdisk!

Ubuntu on a RAMDISK

Running embedded immutable linux distros have always been concerned about minimizing. Now that RAM is so inexpensive you can run the whole Ubuntu OS and your working apps all out of a Ramdisk. There are several benefits to doing it this way:

  1. Speed!
  2. Noise! No spinning hard disks and their associated fans!
  3. Security.
    1. No matter how secure you think your server is it is still hackable. Clearing out the hacks to the base system is a reboot away. (Assuming you are booting off a CDROM.)
    2. The data can be diffed against previous backups. The hacker may have been able to steal information but it's much harder for them to permanently corrupt the data. The security is highly dependent on the sophistication of the scripts. I'll include the basics but they will need tweaking depending on the use.
  4. Separation of system and data files! The data, including personal preferences, goes on a USB stick and the OS on a CD ROM. This clear separation makes many tasks much easier.
  5. Restore points. By saving past CD ROMs and USB directories it's possible to confidently know you can boot up from a past snapshot.

A fantastic how-to is provided by IBM here. I will be adding the scripts needed to make new CD ROM images with the latest updates, keep your sensitive information on a USB stick, and automated steps to ensure integrity. So you get to keep your important information with you wherever you go.

I have not set a time frame on finishing this article. For the time being it's a placeholder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found this entry searching for an easy solution to run ubuntu out of a ramdisk. unfortunately you have never written the promised article, which is really a pity!