

Look for:
  1. Wires. Never have to worry about synchronization, batteries, interference, range, etc..
  2. As much resolution as possible
Look Out for:
  1. Microsoft. I don't remember how many of their laser mice I've bought. They were the best you could get but they would self-destruct after a few years.
  2. Wireless mice. They all have issues at some point. I have better things to do than fret about why my mouse quit working. Or wondering why it lags or does strange thing when I put my cell phone near it.
My Favorites:
  1. Logitech G5 which I use on most of my PCs.
  2. Logitech G9 which I will buy and try out in the near future hopefully.
General comments: Ubuntu unfortunately does not handle all of the mice buttons and scroll wheel properly. Maybe someday in the future they will. It does not matter to me though. I am simply interested in a reliable good mouse. The G5 is the best out of the 40 or so I have bought for myself over the decades and of the hundreds I've used at various companies.

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