Yesterday I wrote a bit on USB Memory Sticks and realized I needed to write up a bit on version control. I wanted to learn a little about how to get SVN to work on windows without having to have an apache server or any other processes running. It was remarkably simple and portable. Follow the link below. It's fantastic.
SVN Linux:
SVN Windows:
Use SVN Tortoise. See the tutorial below on how to set it up in M$. Now you can take your memory stick and store the results on M$ or Linux.
Here are a list of version control software packages.
- ClearCase.
- I wish I owned it but I don't have the thousands of dollars or time to use it. They need to introduce a version for the rest of us, those of us who don't want to spend money, that works for up to three or perhaps 10 people. Without hooking future generations of people with a simple free version the product will become extinct. With new products coming out from Apple making backups easy and intuitive, and their clones on other platforms, ClearCase is already living on borrowed time.
- CVS.
- Don't know much about it. It was built to replace RCS. It in turn seems to have been replaced by SVN.
- GIT.
- Don't know anything about this.
- RCS.
- Does not do binaries unless you manually convert the hex to ASCII or something similar before converting. My favorite version control package because it is available on all systems.
- VSS, Visual SourceSafe.
- Something for M$ platform users only. The database always becomes corrupted given enough time causing M$ users to make horrible screaching noises!
Topics to still cover...
- Free online version control.
- Put together a section on the Ubuntu equivalent to the Macintoshes "Time Machine".
- Put together a section on SVN on Ubuntu.
- Put together steps on how to do common tasks in SVN.
- Put together SVN common commands section.
- Add info on where to donate to the authors.
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