
LCD Monitors

LCD Monitors

The current price point for value is at 1680x1050 resolution as of January 2008. However you can find two other higher resolutions if you have the money.

  1. ~22", 1680x1050, $150 to $250 generally.
    Everybody sales these. Don't go for anything lower.
  2. ~24", 1920x1200, $400 to $600 generally.
  3. ~30", 2580x1600, ~$2000.
    You can find a review of DELLs here: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,2244008,00.asp
Vertical Horizontal Total Price Pixels per dollar Cost
1680 1050 1764000 200 8820 0% more per pixel
1920 1200 2304000 500 4608 90% more per pixel
2500 1600 4000000 2000 2000 340% more per pixel
There are also issues of being able to drive all the pixels. Those larger monitors are not suppported as well. It's probably better to have 2 or 4 monotors on your desk, with one keyboard and mouse, and use synergy than to use one big monitor and a KVM switch.

Topics I want to talk about in the future

  1. Viewing angles are hype on 99.99% of the monitors.
  2. Robustness.

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